2013 Annual Showcase Photo Gallery

Lujianping Dance & Arts
101 Blooming Season 102 Growing Seedlings 103 Enchanting Smiles 104 Why are the Flowers so Red 201 Little Seagulls 202 Happy Snow
203 Flowers in the Rain 204 Su-Zhou Spring Rain 301 Chinese Barbie 302 Princess in Martial Postures 303 Little Soldiers on Horseback 304 Happy Times
401 Bamboo in the Wind 402 Water 501 Young Girls in the Enchanted Valley 502 Dancing Sleeves 601 Long-Er 602 Caressing Sunshine
603 Little Antelopes on the Horizon 604 Rhyme of the Chinese Porcelain copy 605 Talking to the Moon 606 Swaying Willows 607 Deep Affection 701 Water Maiden
702 Lotus Babies 703 Flowers Blossoming toward the Sun 704 Spring Melody 705 Elegance over the Lotus Pond 706 Dance of Calligraphy 707 Ode to Lotus