Showcase and Performance

Dance ImageEach year LD&A organizes and holds showcases and participates in different types of dance performing events. By participating in these activities, the students will have the opportunity to present their accomplishment, raise their self-esteem and confidence, develop and improve their on-stage performance experience, promote and appreciate Chinese culture and arts.

Performance events:


Dance Image陆建萍舞蹈艺术中心每年都将举办年度学生公演,并积极参加各种社会公益性、交流性等艺术表演活动。目的是想通过这些艺术表演活动,让学生们有更多的机会和舞台去展示他们所学的舞蹈艺术才华,丰富和积累他们的舞台表演经验,实现奉献社会的个人价值,及推广和弘扬中国舞蹈艺术。
